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Hormonal health plays an essential role in the process of healthy aging. Many people may not realize the great impact hormones have on health and that hormone levels decrease with age (DHEA, Melatonin, Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrogens, and Thyroid) while others, such as Cortisol and Insulin tend to rise to produce a very damaging inflammatory effect on our cells. Hormones are the messengers that facilitate communication between all the cells of our body, something fundamental for the proper functioning of our organs, health, and our well-being.
Our team at the Greenville Age Management Medical Institute successfully provides hormone replacement therapy with bioidentical hormones, taking them to their levels of excellence and recovering the health and wellbeing we enjoyed before these hormonal changes. These changes, starting at the age of 35, reduce our sense of well-being, energy, sleep, and sexual desire. Also, they make us increase body fat and be in a bad mood and that, inevitably, culminates with the appearance of diseases related to this process.
Hormone replacement therapy can help curb the negative effects of decreased hormone levels and help achieve optimal balance without the excessive use of antidepressants, diet pills, statins, analgesics or synthetic hormones. In addition, it can even prevent and improve the course of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and high cholesterol, as well as reduce the risks of Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer (Testosterone) and osteoporosis. Despite the controversy, there are more and more scientific studies that show that prostate cancer is related more to low testosterone levels than to high levels.
The administration of bioidentical hormones by subcutaneous implants is the most effective treatment available for healthy aging and the prevention of diseases. Unlike "synthetic" hormonal pills or patches, which have been associated with side effects such as weight gain, moodiness, nausea, vomiting and even increased blood clots, coronary heart disease or breast cancer.
Dr. Young has extensive experience in the placement and clinical management of hormone replacement via subcutaneous pellet implant having performed over 4,000 of these procedures to date.

I Struggled with night sweats, hot flashes, memory loss, fuzzy thinking, lack of energy.... All the lovely symptoms of menopause for years. I Am a very proactive person, so I tried everything in the market... Creams, patches, injections, pills... But nothing made a significant difference until I heard Dr. Marcela Young speak at a luncheon. She seemed to be talking directly to me, but in reality, all the women who were present felt the same way. Made an appointment that afternoon. Dr. Young has an extraordinary knowledge of hormones and aging, and its impact on women's total health. I’ve been getting hormone replacement at Dr. Young's office for over a year, and without hesitation, I can say it changed my life!
My menopause symptoms are gone. I Really feel like when I was 30 years old. I would have liked to have known her many years ago. Run... Don't walk to talk to Dr. Young.
-Tammy Barber