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Telomere shortening begins at conception which in turn initiates the aging of our cells. However the aging process is fairly silent until it begins to manifest itself with its typical signs and symptoms around 35 to 40 years. There is a stage in women and men's lives very well identified for most people. In women: Menopause and Pre-Menopause, which are two points of interconnection clearly identifiable. In men, testosterone levels fall by 3-5 % per year until reaching Andropause, varying between 40 and 50 years.
Uncontrolled weight gain and fluid retention.
The decrease of collagen and elastin: lack of elasticity in the skin and increase of wrinkles.
Emotional disorders: fluctuations in mood, moodiness, pessimism, irritability, anxiety, habitual discomfort and depression.
The decrease in sexual performance: vaginal dryness, vaginal pain, a decrease in libido and sexual desire.
The decrease in intellectual performance: mental agility, memory, and concentration.
Loss of energy, vitality and increased fatigue.
Muscle deterioration: loss of muscle mass and flaccidity in the arms and legs, weaker muscles and loss of strength and speed.
Sleep disorders - difficulty falling asleep, interruptions of nocturnal sleep, few hours of rest.
Rigidity, discomfort and joint and muscle pain.
Typical symptoms of menopause - hot flashes and night sweats, the uncontrolled increase of weight.
The decrease in physical and sports performance and recovery capacity.
The appearance of age-related diseases: cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and neurodegenerative.

A decrease in intellectual performance: mental agility, memory, and concentration.
Decreased sexual performance: erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and sexual desire
Sleep disorders: difficulty falling asleep, interruptions of nocturnal sleep and few hours of rest.
The increase of fat in the abdominal area and torso.
Muscle deterioration: loss of muscle mass, weaker musculature, loss of strength and speed.
Loss of energy, vitality and increased fatigue.
Emotional disorders: fluctuations in mood, moodiness, pessimism, irritability, anxiety, habitual discomfort and depression.
A decrease in physical performance, sports performance, and recovery capacity.
Rigidity, discomfort, joint and muscle pain.
A decrease of collagen and elastin: lack of elasticity in the skin and increase of wrinkles.
The appearance of age-related diseases: cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and neurodegenerative.